Based on Fujaba, there are currently two reengineering tools under development:
Reclipse is a Reverse Engineering tool suite. It allows the graphical specification and automated detection of strcutural and behavioral patterns in source code. We support the analysis of Java, C++ and Delphi code.
Archimetrix is a tool for the iterative recovery and reengineering of component-based software architectures. It allows to recover component architectures from source code. Moreover, bad smells can be detected and ranked according to their influence on the architetcure. Finally, automated reenginering strategies can be used to remove the bad smells and the impact on the architecture can be analyzed.
Title: Improving Dynamic Design Pattern Detection in Reclipse with Set Objects |
Booktitle: Proceedings of the 7th International Fujaba Days |
Written by: M. von Detten, M. Platenius: |
in: November 2009 |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 15-19 |
Chapter: |
Editor: Pieter Van Gorp |
Publisher: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands |
Series: |
Address: |
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how published: |
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Doi: |
File: FujabaDays09.pdf |
URL: |
Abstract: Design pattern detection is a reverse engineering methodology that helps software engineers to analyze and understand legacy software by recovering design decisions and thereby providing deeper insight into software. Recent research has shown that a combination of static and dynamic source code analysis can produce better results than purely static approaches. In this paper we present an extension of the pattern detection approach proposed by Wendehals. In particular, we extend the specication language for behavioral patterns to increase its expressiveness and the approach's recall by introducing the concept of set objects.
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