eMoflon is currently composed of two parts: the eMoflon IDE Eclipse feature and the eMoflon Enterprise Architect addin (only required for visual syntax support).
If you are completely new to eMoflon, we recommend working (at least) through Chapter 1 of our handbook first (Follow the eMoflonHandbook.pdf link.)! Additionally, the eMoflon GitHub Wiki contains an FAQ site for specific questions. In the eMoflon Google group, we spread exciting eMoflon-related news (e.g., new releases). The file changelog.txt contains an overview of the changes introduced by each eMoflon version.
If you encounter problems, please consult our issue tracker or drop us a mail at contact(at)emoflon.org. Thanks!
A well-known problem is that the dependency from eMoflon to PlantUML is not resolved automatically. Please consult this post to solve the issue manually.
The current version of eMoflon is eMoflon 3.0.0. Use the following update-site URL for installing eMoflon: http://emoflon.org/eclipse-plugin/beta/updatesite/
MD5: F1:E9:FF:4E:7B:D7:6D:90:9F:4D:A8:24:34:66:46:24 SHA1: F7:23:92:9D:9A:92:86:7C:9A:16:04:8C:2E:E7:04:1D:AE:BB:5A:B6 SHA256: 07:69:56:2D:7F:63:28:B6:CE:1C:77:9B:4F:1E:F4:3E:BE:10:CC:48:14:A7:7D:7E:71:55:72:35:24:A9:3A:39
The following link guides you to previous versions of eMoflon.
Previous Versions
You may have a look at this screencast or at one of the following virtual machines for trying out eMoflon:
The following is an overview of applications of eMoflon in industrial and scientific projects and for teaching purposes.
For a comparison of eMoflon with other tools and approaches see the following publications.
eMoflon is open source (dually licensed under GPL 3.0 and EPL 1.0). The source code of eMoflon is available at GitHub.
eMoflon is developed jointly at the Real-Time Systems Lab, TU Darmstadt (TUDA) and the Database and Information Systems Group, University of Paderborn (UPB).
Current Developers
Former Developers The following people have contributed to eMoflon or its Java JMI-based predecessor MOFLON.
The following list contains all available previous versions of eMoflon:
eMoflon ist ein Forschungsprojekt der
TU Darmstadt
Fachgebiet Echtzeitsysteme
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andy Schuerr
Merckstrasse 25
64283 Darmstadt
GermanyTelefon: +49 6151 16-22350
Telefax: +49 6151 16-22352
E-Mail: kontakt(at)es.tu-darmstadt.de
Internet: www.es.tu-darmstadt.de
Für das Fachgebiet Echtzeitsysteme gilt das Impressum der TU Darmstadt Vertretungsberechtigter des FG Echtzeitsysteme ist Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andy Schürr.
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