Based on Fujaba, there are currently two reengineering tools under development:


Reclipse is a Reverse Engineering tool suite. It allows the graphical specification and automated detection of strcutural and behavioral patterns in source code. We support the analysis of Java, C++ and Delphi code.


Archimetrix is a tool for the iterative recovery and reengineering of component-based software architectures. It allows to recover component architectures from source code. Moreover, bad smells can be detected and ranked according to their influence on the architetcure. Finally, automated reenginering strategies can be used to remove the bad smells and the impact on the architecture can be analyzed.


Details for PvDB12

Title: Archimetrix: Improved Software Architecture Recovery in the Presence of Design Deficiencies
Booktitle: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering
Written by: M. Platenius, M. von Detten, S. Becker:
in: March 2012
Volume: Number:
on pages: 255 - 264
Publisher: IEEE
how published:
School: University of Paderborn


Abstract: Maintaining software systems requires up-to-date models of these systems to systematically plan, analyse and execute the necessary reengineering steps. Often, no or only outdated models of such systems exist. Thus, a reverse engineering step is needed that recovers the system’s components, subsystems and connectors. However, reverse engineering methods are severely impacted by design deficiencies in the system’s code base, e.g., they lead to wrong component structures. Several approaches exist today for the reverse engineering of component-based systems, however, none of them explicitly integrates a systematic design deficiency removal into the process to improve the quality of the reverse engineered architecture. Therefore, in our Archimetrix approach, we propose to regard the most relevant deficiencies with respect to the reverse engineered architecture and support reengineers by presenting the architectural consequences of removing a given deficiency. We validate our approach on the Common Component Modeling Example and show that we are able to identify relevant deficiencies and that their removal leads to an improved reengineered architecture.

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