Based on Fujaba, there are currently two reengineering tools under development:
Reclipse is a Reverse Engineering tool suite. It allows the graphical specification and automated detection of strcutural and behavioral patterns in source code. We support the analysis of Java, C++ and Delphi code.
Archimetrix is a tool for the iterative recovery and reengineering of component-based software architectures. It allows to recover component architectures from source code. Moreover, bad smells can be detected and ranked according to their influence on the architetcure. Finally, automated reenginering strategies can be used to remove the bad smells and the impact on the architecture can be analyzed.
Title: Towards the Combination of Clustering-based and Pattern-based Reverse Engineering Approaches |
Booktitle: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop of the GI Working Group L2S2 - Design for Future 2011 |
Written by: O. Travkin, M. von Detten, S. Becker: |
in: February 2011 |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: |
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Address: Karlsruhe, Germany |
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File: document.pdf |
URL: |
Abstract: Reverse Engineering, i.e. the analysis of software for the purpose of recovering its design documentation, e.g. in form of the conceptual architecture, is an important area of software engineering. Today, two prevalent reverse engineering approaches have emerged: (1) the clustering-based approach which tries to analyze a given software system by grouping its elements based on metric values to provide the reverse engineer with an overview of the system and (2) the pattern-based approach which tries to detect predefined structural patterns in the software which can give insight about the original developers’ intentions. These approaches operate on different levels of abstraction and have specific strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, we sketch an approach towards combining these techniques which can remove some of the specific shortcomings.
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