Title: Towards the Compositional Verification of Real-Time UML Designs |
Booktitle: Proc. of the 9th European software engineering conference held jointly with 11th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering (ESEC/FSE-11) |
Written by: H. Giese, M. Tichy, S. Burmester, W. Schäfer, S. Flake: |
in: September 2003 |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 38-47 |
Chapter: |
Editor: |
Publisher: ACM Press |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
ISBN: 1-58113-743-5 |
how published: |
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Doi: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/940071.940078 |
File: ESEC03-GTBSF.pdf |
URL: |
Abstract: Current techniques for the verification of software as e.g. model checking are limited when it comes to the verification of complex distributed embedded real-time systems. Our approach addresses this problem and in particular the state explosion problem for the software controlling mechatronic systems, as we provide a domain specific formal semantic definition for a subset of the UML 2.0 component model and an integrated sequence of design steps. These steps prescribe how to compose complex software systems from domain-specific patterns which model a particular part of the system behavior in a well-defined context. The correctness of these patterns can be verified individually because they have only simple communication behavior and have only a fixed number of participating roles. The composition of these patterns to describe the complete component behavior and the overall system behavior is prescribed by a rigorous syntactic definition which guarantees that the verification of component and system behavior can exploit the results of the verification of individual patterns.
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