Visualizing Information: digital storytelling and interactive media design

Thom Gillespie, School of Library and Information Studies, Indiana University

email: thom[at]

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Title of course: Visualizing Information: digital storytelling and interactive media design

Aimed at what category of students: Students of Library and Information Studies

Objectives of the course:

By the end of the course the student will have an understanding of visual multimedia design informed by the practical experience of actually creating a preliminary design specification and using rapid prototype tools to develop a working model of a multimedia system.

List topics of course:

  • Introduce some of the voluminous historical, aesthetic, and cognitive theoretical basis of visual information/multimedia systems
  • Develop the practical design skills for organizing and communicating information in an appropriate visual fashion
  • Develop creative conceptual skills to brainstorm new system design ideas
  • Work as a team to create a professional design specification for a multimedia product and to submit this design specification for consideration to a commercial publisher

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