InfoLab: A laboratory for visualizing information

Nataly Gattegno, School of Architecture, University of Virginia

email: ng5d[at]

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Title of course: INFO LAB: A laboratory for visualizing information

Aimed at what category of students: Students of Architecture

Objectives of the course:

This his laboratory seeks to introduce its participants to various modes of forming and representing information, qualifying, quantifying and visualizing it with the ultimate goal of familiarizing themselves with contemporary representational techniques, creating new visualization tools and design processes. We will focus on different methods of representation and experiment with new ways of envisioning information through a series of exercises developing techniques of composite and analytical drawing, physical and digital modeling. These will enable us to learn and master varying techniques of distilling and representing information, giving form to information and investigating the possible material properties of data.

List topics of course:

  • Different techniques of representation and contemporary theories used to describe them
  • Potential of a genealogy of process, thinking and representation

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