Expressing Information

Christian Marc Schmidt, Tisch School of Art, New York University

email: anything[at]

Homepage of author:

Homepage of 2007 course:
Homepage of 2009 course:

Title of course: Expressing Information

Aimed at what category of students: Students of Interactive Telecommunications

Objectives of the course:

The goal of this course is to discover the expressive qualities of information. A powerful communication tool, information visualization is essentially a rhetorical device. Increasingly, we rely on interpretation to process the growing amount of information available to us, and by visualizing information, we are interpreting it. The Internet is becoming a rich source of information with the potential to impact our lives, on topics such as global and domestic politics, health, the economy, and the environment. This workshop explores the interpretive use of information visualization to create engagement and inspire action, by bringing these information sources to a mainstream audience.

List topics of course:

  • Different aspects of visual communication, with an emphasis on typography, layout, color and motion.
  • Interpretative data visualization
  • Research and data gathering
  • Data mapping and expression
  • The role of identity in information visualization

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