
What is Open Inventor?

Open Inventor is an object-oriented 3D toolkit offering a comprehensive solution to interactive graphics programming problems. It presents a programming model based on a 3D scene database that dramatically simplifies graphics programming. It includes a rich set of objects such as cubes, polygons, text, materials, cameras, lights, trackballs, handle boxes, 3D viewers, and editors that speed up your programming time and extend your 3D programming capabilities. Open Inventor serves as the basis for the VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) standard.  Open Inventor is a high level library at the base of OpenGL.
Implementations of Open Inventor are availible for all major UNIX systems and all MS-WINDOWS versions.


More about Open Inventor:

Open Inventor Homepage from SGI All you need to know about Open Inventor.
FAQ Open Inventor FAQ and further readings
Open Inventor from VSG Open Inventor by Mercury

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